Re: How do you name your ships?
Ships are named after what they do and are:
"Heavy Attack", "Light Attack", "Planet Maker"
then i add a "mk ###" to them (ie, Mk I, Mk II, Mk III, etc) to denote the Version of the ship (typically this is for upgrades or refinements).
I try to have only one of each type (heavy attack, light attack, boarding ship, carrier, troop transports, then the colony and stellar manipulation vehicles).
Fleets get either descriptive names (Defense Fleet Eridani for a defenisve fleet in the Eridani system) or demon names if thier attack fleets: Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Belial, Mephistocles, etc. Sometimes i'll use mythological names if i get bored (Balrog, Wolverines, etc).
Just a thought,