Re: Supply question
I have seen ships run out of suppies in mid-combat, 'tho it is rare. A baseship, with 2 engines, no supply storage (and no quantum reactor, natch), and lots of missile components, sent to bombard a full homeworld, will run out of supplies in stategic combat, and run away before then end.
Imperial, like Slynky says, it's more likely the ship will run out of supplies in transit than mid-combat. Theory goes, if a ship runs out of supplies mid-combat, shields raised at the start of combat will stay up, but shield regen components won't work. But really, by then, shields have been shot away mostly, so no one really stresses the supply loss.
'Course, if you start combat in the red, then no shields, no weapons, ship runs away 1 square at a time, etc.
[ July 02, 2004, 03:35: Message edited by: Arkcon ]