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Old March 22nd, 2004, 12:40 AM
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Default Re: OT: Building A New System

Originally posted by hicksz:
This has to be the most fustrating thing when during research on a new piece of hardware. For instance, I've done a lot of research on the ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe and I have read many reviews that its the best motherborad that they have ever bought. But your right, I got a handful of people who had nothing but trouble. Some people even get 2 or 3 Boards and have nothing but problems like DOA. But it's not just ASUS. I would do research on Abit Boards, generic Intel Boards, and even EPOX Boards and see people complaining about tech support or a problem on the board. I guess it boils down to features you want, which board you feel comfortable with, and which board didn't screw you over. If I got 3 bad mobos I would be upset too but you read how so many people have no issues.

My first computer I bought myself was a Packard Bell many years ago that still runs fine today. But I have read dozen of websites where hundreds of people had bad experiences with hardware, tech support, etc. But I bought another one two years later from buying the first one and never had one problem. I haven't done much reseach on the ASUS AMD Boards but PC World just gave the ASUS A7V600 motherboard 4 out of 5 stars. So you sit there going what do I believe? I probably still get the ASUS board (unless I get a AMD 64-bit FX-51) because I like the features and hope everything works out ok.
ASUS is ok, but they are overkill for an Intel system that will not be OC�d. I use the ASUS SK8N for my FX51. It was an early board and chip, so I had a few issues at first, but with the latest bios and drivers, it runs real well. When I put Windows 64 on it, I found the driver support to be awful, but that should get better with time.

When I first booted it up, this was the first thing I saw.

Think about it
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