March 21st, 2004, 08:58 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Re: OT: Building A New System
Originally posted by Roanon:
quote: Originally posted by Electrum:
Asus has a proven record for stability, performance & tweakability.
They have a long record, but are relying on it lately, instead of producing Boards up to their previous standards. Their latest Boards, especially the P4B800, has serious design flaws. Capacitors blowing is not what I call stable or reliable, and waiting for replacement Boards 4-6 weeks is not customer service. I seriously advise against Asus right now. This has to be the most fustrating thing when during research on a new piece of hardware. For instance, I've done a lot of research on the ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe and I have read many reviews that its the best motherborad that they have ever bought. But your right, I got a handful of people who had nothing but trouble. Some people even get 2 or 3 Boards and have nothing but problems like DOA. But it's not just ASUS. I would do research on Abit Boards, generic Intel Boards, and even EPOX Boards and see people complaining about tech support or a problem on the board. I guess it boils down to features you want, which board you feel comfortable with, and which board didn't screw you over. If I got 3 bad mobos I would be upset too but you read how so many people have no issues.
My first computer I bought myself was a Packard Bell many years ago that still runs fine today. But I have read dozen of websites where hundreds of people had bad experiences with hardware, tech support, etc. But I bought another one two years later from buying the first one and never had one problem. I haven't done much reseach on the ASUS AMD Boards but PC World just gave the ASUS A7V600 motherboard 4 out of 5 stars. So you sit there going what do I believe? I probably still get the ASUS board (unless I get a AMD 64-bit FX-51) because I like the features and hope everything works out ok.
[ March 21, 2004, 19:03: Message edited by: hicksz ]