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Old March 16th, 2004, 09:35 PM

hicksz hicksz is offline
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Default Re: AI Modding anyone ?!?

Here is a few links to read through to get you started:;f=23;t=011150;f=23;t=011031

There is no AI Modding Document 101 out there but there seems to be some in the works. AI modding is hard because everyone has their own opinion and you really have to understand what the information in the AI files are telling you.

Here is my take:

Know the limitation of SEIV Gold so you don't try to mod something that can't be done.

Take a close look at all of the AI files and read each line to become familiar with the files.

Take a hard look at the existing mods out there to see what everyone else is doing and look at their AI files to see how they did something.

Their is some documentation in the links I gave you, look at those files.

If you have a question, post it, because there are a lot of helpful people out there but ultimately I found that if you have a specific question, it's helpful to do a search for it. A lot of the questions have been answer many times over. I have created word files bearing the AI file's name that contain hints, suggestions, examples, etc on how to mod the AI files from old Posts using the search option. You have to make sure if you check old post that the AI mod discussion doesn't deal with old patch Versions issues.

It's important to know that the AI files work closely together with the components, facilities, VehicleSize, and techarea.txt.

Hope that helps.

[ March 16, 2004, 19:38: Message edited by: hicksz ]
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