Re: Secret of the 89 Movement point BaseShip
I call them "Federal Ships", those millitary vehicles that can be transported to any place in my empire within ONE turn.
They are essential so I don't need lots of fleets in every system.
One thing though:
To bad I can use the Component when the ship is assigned to a fleet.
So I must first disband the fleet, Use the emergency propulsion, and then assign them to the fleet again.
Another thing. If you have enough pop transports you could (theoretically) move an entire planets population to the other side of the quadrant in ONE TURN just by transferring the cargo from transport to transport.
Is this a bug? Mabbe not if you have access to temporal knowledge? Perhaps there should be some kind of turnlimit for transfering population?
Which brings me to a final ...thought,
What's with Cargo Containers vs Population?
How come an entire planets population can be stored on a light cruiser?
I mean... isn't that wierd?
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