March 6th, 2004, 02:43 AM
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Re: Temporal Strategy
Originally posted by Tanus:
To be honest, I haven't used the temporal tree all that much, as I've found that no weapon does more damage/turn than maxed out anti-proton beams, and they always seem to win out over designs using more unique weapons (in strategic combat)
Gotta agree with you there. My favorite Endgame design uses APB 12's and they can typically handle impressive numbers. I recall one PBW game where it was a first military encounter with my ships and another empires. I had attacked his fleet of 25 with my 5. I didn't expect my ships to survive. I just wanted to slow them down so that my fleet of 42 that was on the way from the next system could finish the job. Turned out that his ships were too diverse in there function and didn't have the fire power needed. He fired first and I didn't loose a single ship of the five. Of course, he learned quick and our next encounter didn't go as well...
[ March 06, 2004, 00:44: Message edited by: bearclaw ]
Nick (bearclaw)
You don't know the Power of the Dark Side. I must obey my Master.
Potestatem obscuri lateris nescitis
A+ Se+++ GdY $++ Fr- C+ Csp Sf* AuO M++ MpTFdAM St RTNH Pw++ Fq++ Nd++ Rp++ G++ Mm++ Bb++ L+ Tcp-