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Old February 19th, 2004, 09:32 PM
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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

Original series Star Trek and Star Fleet Battles have battles at high warp speed, many times greater than the speed of light. If in the same universe with people that can only fight sub-light, the sub-light folks would have no chance of even knowing what was going on. Nevertheless, most actions are settled by fist-fight involving the commanding officers. Captain Kirk is just about the best brawler... main qualification for command in the butch era of Star Fleet.

(In the films and then TNG, along with losing most of the butch aspect, Star Trek also seems to have forgotten how to fight effectively at warp speed. Though, more often, each writer just seems to be making stuff up with little attempt to be consistent.)

Of course, this is just a more extreme example of the silliness of this age-old discussion. Since most sci-fi actually isn't internally constent, let alone compatible with science, there is little way to put them in a meaningful face-off with each other.

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