See the problem with any IQ test is that it's not a fair judge of your IQ because if you choke under preasure you are royaly screwed

However it is also not very good because different IQ tests use different systems of questions that will make your score vary for example the first IQ test I ever took I scored a 117 with the "possibility" of being a 120 because of my advanced linguistic skills and my ability to rapidly solve problems mentally and respond quickly to a new situation.
However on a second test I took I breezed in easily as a 125 BECAUSE of the exact abilities the other said I could possibly have recieved a 120 for.
Personally I would like to go for 125 for ego's sake but for all I know the first test was more accurate and I'm anywhere from 117 to 120.
P.S. Yes beleive it or not I do have very good linguistic skills I just don't type all that well when I am not under serious preasure.