Re: Folding @ Home
not for long. current top proccessor speed; may have changed: 3.2 GHz. computer speed's double about every 18 months, Last i heard. so, assume no increase between now and the beginning of 2004 and use that for a baseline:
2004 : 3.2
2005.5 : 6.4
2007 : 12.8
2008.5 : 25.16
2010 : 50.32
2011.5 : 100.64
2013 : 201.28
so, in 9 years, computer speeds will be 62.9 what they are now. in another 2 years...
2014.5 : 402.56
2016 : 805.12
* 251.6
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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