Re: Theoretical Physics [OT thread]
That is true, but there is a finite time before the object actually gets to the center.
Is an object halfway between singularity and event horizon inside or not?
A) It dosen't really matter, but its fun to argue the point, right?
Ah, just thought of why.
You were talking about escaping from a black hole. Escaping is just as "impossible" from 1m inside the horizon, as right in the singularity. The only difference is, if the hole is big enough, your ship can be intact 1m from the event horizon, but will be torn apart (due to gravitational shear) near the singularity and then crushed.
So, it would only be worth trying to escape if your ship wasn't crushed or smeared, but still inside the hole.
Therefore, inside the hole should be inside the horizon.
Note: by gravitational shear, consider the force on your feet vs head as you fall in. 2m from the singularity, the force on your feet is 4x the force at your head, you get smeared alll over.
[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 01 March 2001).]
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