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Old October 3rd, 2003, 11:53 PM

JLS JLS is offline
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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

I mention the Stock se4 events also because of the Severity bug that was expressed; �if a file is not in the correct order stating at low thru Catastrophic, that Players will be unable to shut down the SEVERITY OPTIONS� from the se4 games. I was wondering when somebody was going to MOD this for the se4 Players. However, if you feel that moving the Highlighted Events in belows post with out testing and will have no effect then, Fyron maybe you should add a new and corrected with Ordered Events file as to preserve the integrity of the Severity Options for stock se4 and release it, This would only take a few seconds to reorder and release

[ October 03, 2003, 23:11: Message edited by: JLS ]
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