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Old September 28th, 2003, 07:05 PM
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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

Another small simulation in a small universe, 40% EPC:
AIC ~ 4.beta 1 events.txt, modified (rebellion events removed)
4 Systems, 2 of them nebulaes, Eee and Fazrah. Due to warp closure event both empires develop without contact.
2611.6 (2116 turns) Both homeplanets and systems still alive, Eee have seen 73 low events, 2 medium events, no high but one early catastrophic event (not at homeplanet) :

2402.1 Planet Destroyed Planetary Minister: Planet Kumanon VIII which resided in the Kumanon system has been utterly destroyed, sire. We had a colony of 6M on the planet.
2402.1 Catastrophic Event An experiment gets out of control on , ripping the planet apart.
Immediately after the batch sim, I started a one player game with the same event setup, 2 systems. The homesystem has been destroyed within the first 10 years (star destroyed).
The obvious differences (to me, maybe there are more) : Turn based movement. I have not yet seen a high/cat event at homeplanets in the longterm batch sims (simultaneous movement). It does not mean, the events are excluded in simoultaneous, but I tend to think, there is something that makes these events happen extremely infrequent in simultaneous games.
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