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Old September 9th, 2003, 11:22 PM
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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

2418.6 Catastrophic Event The population of Arianna II has rebelled against us and formed a new nation.

2426.0 Catastrophic Event A plasma instability has been detected within the star Keldanar Star. Our scientists predict it will destroy itself in approximately 3 years.

2428.2 Catastrophic Event News Flash! A disaster at the Bio-tech lab on Arianna VII has released a deadly virus. All travel to the planet is restricted.

2437.4 Catastrophic Event 36 million unexpected refugees have arrived on Kiladen IV.

2438.5 Catastrophic Event News Flash! A disaster at the Bio-tech lab on Arianna III has released a deadly virus. All travel to the planet is restricted.

2438.8 Catastrophic Event News Flash! A disaster at the Bio-tech lab on Ceberhardt I has released a deadly virus. All travel to the planet is restricted.

2439.3 Catastrophic Event News Flash! A disaster at the Bio-tech lab on Arianna V has released a deadly virus. All travel to the planet is restricted.

2444.2 Planet Destroyed Planetary Minister: Planet Giauzar VI which resided in the Giauzar system has been utterly destroyed, sire. We had a colony of 11M on the planet.
2444.2 Catastrophic Event An experiment gets out of control on , ripping the planet apart.

2447.1 Catastrophic Event 33 million unexpected refugees have arrived on Giauzar V.

2447.2 Catastrophic Event The population of Organia I has rebelled against us and formed a new nation.

2452.3 Catastrophic Event The population of Organia V has rebelled against us and formed a new nation.

2460.2 Catastrophic Event 27 million unexpected refugees have arrived on Giauzar II A.

2463.0 Catastrophic Event 36 million unexpected refugees have arrived on Giauzar III.

2468.6 Catastrophic Event News Flash! A disaster at the Bio-tech lab on Arianna VII has released a deadly virus. All travel to the planet is restricted.

2468.9 Catastrophic Event 36 million unexpected refugees have arrived on Kiladen IV.

2477.0 Catastrophic Event The population of Giauzar V has rebelled against us and formed a new nation.

2477.4 Planet Destroyed Planetary Minister: Planet Dertran III which resided in the Dertran system has been utterly destroyed, sire. We had a colony of 13M on the planet.
2477.4 Catastrophic Event An experiment gets out of control on , ripping the planet apart.

2481.2 Catastrophic Event News Flash! A disaster at the Bio-tech lab on Arianna VI has released a deadly virus. All travel to the planet is restricted.

2484.0 Catastrophic Event News Flash! A disaster at the Bio-tech lab on Prenix V has released a deadly virus. All travel to the planet is restricted.

2495.5 Catastrophic Event 26 million unexpected refugees have arrived on Vilius Sepentus X.

2496.0 Catastrophic Event 33 million unexpected refugees have arrived on Giauzar III.

2502.0 Catastrophic Event 29 million unexpected refugees have arrived on Vilius Sepentus II.

2525.2 Planet Destroyed Planetary Minister: Planet Panasa II which resided in the Panasa system has been utterly destroyed, sire. We had a colony of 11M on the planet.
2525.2 Catastrophic Event An experiment gets out of control on , ripping the planet apart.

2525.4 Catastrophic Event News Flash! A disaster at the Bio-tech lab on Sephandris II A has released a deadly virus. All travel to the planet is restricted.
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