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Old February 26th, 2004, 07:15 AM
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Sabin Sabin is offline
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

I think I may have noticed a problem: The components for constructing Ringworlds and Sphere Worlds are too large for the current ship sizes. Perhaps you can create a mount meant to reduce the weight of such parts down to a lower leve that can be placed on ships.(I am currently playing as the Federation.)
Games played: Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Planescape - Torment, Fallout 2, Super Robot Wars 3(English translation), Final Fantasy IV(Fan-translated version) Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest, Dragonball Z: Legend of the Super Saiyan, DBTC, X-COM, Deus Ex, Thief I+II, Space Empires IV, Homeworld, Star Trek - 25th Anniversary, Age of Empires II, Freespace 2, Sonic & Knuckles, Super Mario All Stars + World, Super Mario Wolrd 2, Super Mario RPG, Laxius Power, Romancing Walker, Avernum 2, Geneforge, Diablo, Starcraft+Expansion, Uplink: The Hacker Elite, Space Empires IV Gold, Jagged Alliance II, Megaman 7, Megaman & Bass, Megaman X, Megaman X2, Megaman X3, Megaman Zero, Megaman Zero 2, Myst, Aliens VS Predator 2...the list goes on.
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