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Old November 10th, 2003, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

Originally posted by Atrocities:
Originally posted by gregebowman:
Finally started playing this mod over the weekend. It's very good. However, I was playing the Federation, and every race I came into contact with eventually declared war on me. No matter what I did. Is this standard, or just that no one likes the Federation?
It is a draw back of SEIV I am afraid. The AI will always eventually declare war upon the Human player. We can modify the Politics file a bit but that doesn't really do much from what I have seen.

The diplomacy, politics, and relations in SEIV have been a big complaint of mine since the game was released. I am sure that SE V will be much better in this regard. In the mean time we have to make do.

You can if you want switch to the AI players and make peace again. But the chances are that they will declare war upon you once you turn them back over to AI control.

Hmm, thanks for the info. Maybe I'll try playing the Klingons or the Romulans next.
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