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Old October 31st, 2003, 04:15 PM
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

Originally posted by Atrocities:

For the time being this will most likely be the Last update I do unless a major bug is discovered. I want to thank you all for your support and hope you all enjoy the mod.
NO...... COME ON........ Atrocities..

I have a lot of ideas.

Like� make a mod just for the medium map setting with 16 races. And an AI research path for them. Balance and set up just for them� Were you can only play this Mod on a medium map at 16 races with 2,000 racial points� or�.. something like that��.I think that will be a lot easer than doing everything.

Basically� when it comes down to it, the research is not in balance with the galaxy size.

Everything else is there. And this is by far the best Star Trek game out there ( thanks Atrocities).

I just hope that I can help to make it better.
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This is an example of the research imbalance.

After turn 100... In a medium seize galaxy with 16 + races I have research a new colony technology with in five turns. And the other and Last colony technology, also with in five turns. But�.. to research the heavy curser ship technology will cost me almost three times more in turns�.Why?

1. The answers is that the ship construction technology is set for a medium galaxy. And the colony technology is set for a small galaxy.

2. And there are to many moons for the races to inhabit in a system.

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I myself... as a Modular� suck ��. But I love to design���So please don�t let this be the Last of the Star Trek Mod.

I would really like to help out.
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