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Old October 10th, 2003, 10:19 AM

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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

Originally Posted by DavidG
I think the key to making usefull fighters is to make them survive the point defense attacks long enough to attack. This would presumably be done by boosting their hitpoints or making them harder to hit. ie give fighter armour or shields more strength. (with a matching increase in cost so they are not uber powerfull)
I'm not really sure how shuttles are dealt with in TNG and latter but I like them as they are in TOS or Star Fleet Battles. Slow moving transport vehicles.
Hmm that reminds me I wonder if it would be possible to make a 'Wild weasle' shuttle like they have in SFB. This thing would be packed with electronics and when launced would provide defesive bonus to all ships. Is there an ability in SE4 that you could do this with?
I think that the basic difference is that TOS shuttles have no warp ability, but TMP and TNG shuttles do. If you were to get rid of seeking weapons, make shuttles/fighters easier to hit with standard weapons and restrict the number of shuttles/fighters you could remove the point defense weapons and increase the firepower/durability of shuttles/fighters.
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