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Old September 23rd, 2003, 03:54 PM
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

Version 1.2.5 Has been released.

Star Trek Mod v1.2.5

1. Updated The Splash screen to reflect latest Version 2.2.5
2. Added Fyrons Quadrant Mod Deluxe 2.05
3. Changed StellarAbilityTypes to exclude damaging warp points. (Thanks Fyron and TNZ)
4. Updated All Race Research.txt's (Thank you Rollo for the help)
5. Changed All ships in the vehcileSize file now will use standard images if primary is not available
6. Updated Weapons / Components reports
7. Changed Automatic Colonization Population setting from 1 to 0
8. Added Maps Folder
9. Added UserX Star Trek Map
10. Added Atrocities Newest Andorian Ship/Race images to the Andorian Race (Race Neutral 007)
11. Fixed Orientation of Vulcan (Race Neutral 010) ship portraits.
12. Modified All neutral race Research.txt
13 Changed Plasma Envelope Missile I - V damage at range is detuned. (Weapons was way to powerful)
14. Changed Plasma Missile I - V Damage at Range settings to better reflect the weapon system
15. Changed Borg Mount to only give mount bonus for Borg Shield Depleter weapon and Incinerator Beam
16. Changed Borg Colony ship to same engine usage as other races colony ships

Star Trek Mod v1.2.4

1. Changed Federation Nova Burst I - III to Federation Trilithium Cobalt Torpedo I - III
2. Changed Federation Trilithium Cobalt Torpedo I - III specs to be a heavy hitting long reload time Torpedo
3. Updated Many of the weapon descriptions to include range. (Long, Medium, Short)
4. Added Weapons of Mass Destruction to the Tech Area
5. Changed All Stellar Manipulation Components that can be used as WOMD from Stellar manipulation to WOMD Tech
6. Added Artificial Warp Point Creation to the Tech Area
7. Changed All Warp Point creation/destruction components from Stellar Manipulation to Artificial Warp Point Creation

Star Trek Mod v1.2.3

1. Added Computer Control to tech area
2. Changed Master Computer I - III tech requirement to Computer Control
3. Modified Several minor changes to a bunch of components.
4. Changed Dom Torpedo Weapons to Dominion Torpedo Weapons in Tech Area and other files
5. Removed Mini Torp Weapons - Dominion technology. Was not being used
6. Changed Many BMP images to use the new Component images by Captain Kowk

Star Trek Mod v1.2.2

1. Changed Structural Integrity Field I - V (No longer has the Armor Ability)
2. Added New Component images by Captain Kwok
3. Fixed Spiral Wave Disruptor II had wrong Roman Numeral.
4. Changed Racial Trait Ancient Race cost from 0 to 1500.
5. Fixed Typo in Romulan Quantum Reactor I
6. Removed All armor and shield abilities from all warp engines. (Conflict and illegal functions)
7. Changed Storage Supply Components I - V have been revamped.
8. Added Warp Core IV
9. Changed Warp Core II - III now are gained at lower Warp Technology
10. Fixed Romulan Quantum Singularity Drive I - III now work.
11. Updated Components.BMP with in new images by Captain Kwok.
12. Changed Balanced out all of the race weapons

Star Trek Mod v1.2.1

1. Fixed Typo in the Setting.txt
2. Fixed Ai would not use colony tech if player selected game to generate random AI's (I hope it is fixed)
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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