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Old August 31st, 2003, 06:35 AM
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

Originally posted by Tymy:

Could you look into the research of Warp Technology.

I have found Warp Core 1 on a ruinsplanet.
When i wanted to research the next level
i saw that i still had to research level 1
and the result would be None !

As from researching level 2 and up i had
no problems.

gr. Tymy
The problem is that Warp Core I requires no technology, and Warp Core II requires Warp Technology 2. Warp Technology 1 does nothing except allow some other tech areas. You can not get Warp Core I from ruins, as it has no tech requirements. What was the exact technology and level you got?
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