July 15th, 2003, 03:44 AM
Second Lieutenant
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Originally posted by jimbob:
My opinion is that the loss of engineering would result in a significant loss in manouverability/speed. I personally wouldn't have a problem with the loss. However, wouldn't the introduction of lifesupport to the hull mess up the original intent - driving component requirements by having them carry the lifesupport ability?
I believe it would. Besides, why complicate things, the way the mod is set up now works fine. Adding extra components can be done later, right now we need to focus on bugs and balance issues.
PCP, you really need to make new components for the troop components, Buzzard collector, ram scoop, and warp cores. Also for the weapons.
Game Report:
Settings Large Galaxy - Good - starting planet 1 - Good AI bonuses.
Turn 100, Ai does not expand very well, the Tholians are doing ok, but the old leaders in this area, the Klingons, are being held back. Each race is researching ok, but for some reason it is slowing the AI expansion way the hell down.
The Ai are aggressive and will attack. They use the new intel projects well, and I have lost many ships to well equiped AI vessels.
All in all, the mod looks good and plays ok. Work on the expanding issues, and worry about new components later.