Well I have played my third game thus far. I must admit, it is not much to look at for star system details. (Moo3 still hold the top award here for galaxy map) but SEIV hold the best layout for star systems. GalCiv does a great job at drawing you into the game play. I must admit that I have really enjoyed it.
I have started messing around with the data files. I have also discovered that I can not, at least at this point, add new ship images. I think they are all 3d Models saved in the GFx folder as .MDL files. I have not been able to open them with any program I have. I have one other program I can try, but it is on another PC. I will have to get it for this PC. The same program I used to view the SFC models.
Overall, the game is fun. I hope others find it that way as well.
Now if we could combine the best of SEIV with the best of Moo3 and now Galciv, we would have a truly epic 4x game for all. (Galciv reminds me more of BOTF than SEIV.)