Re: New Ship Set - Orion Empire
thank you for the feedback!
I did make a slight correction to the Light cruiser mini - it was slightly off center in the mini portrait , it needs to be shifted to the right I will post that fix today.
Out of curiosity - did you like the race portrait or should I make the race portrait a single image of the woman or the man?
My original thought was to try to represent the Male and Female aspect of the race.
Neostandard? is that the other ship classes some of the other sets have? like corvetts, and other size classes? I hadnt really considered it. Although I could if I had the information as to whats needed to complete a neo standard set..
IF you want to create a page for it - sure! thats fine. The set is posted on the PBW also.
The AI .. I am still running it through its paces and it will probably get tweeked over the next few weeks.. however it should be at least a competent as the standard AIs in Gold 1.84.
[ March 26, 2003, 19:21: Message edited by: AJC ]