September 24th, 2003, 12:06 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.
Originally posted by Erax:
If, on the other hand, you have the courage to live up to your ideals and make an honest attempt to spread them to the rest of the world, we will stand behind you and help you sweep away everything that threatens you - terrorism, drugs, international crime - because they are also a threat to us. America, seize this opportunity now while you still have it, and take the place you deserve in History.
You over estimate our abilities and our dedication.
Our trade deficits is huge. Our goverment and personnal debt load is huge. Our industrial base has been immitated, undercut, and exported. The "brain" positions and the service economy is also following.
We have many people who do not give hoot about American Ideals. Many immigrants came here for the almighty buck. Many natives do not understand how worse life can be elsewhere.
The only thing our mixed population can seem to agree on is taht "we all want a litte more".
I know career military men in the National Guard reserves. They complain about the lack of good clean men (er, persons) that can pass the drug tests. Many Guard positions go unfilled because of this. Many young men (er, persons)are discharge because of drugs and because they failed to complete counseling requirements.
Can we sell Justice and hold charades like the O.J. Simpson trial and Rodney King trial?
Can we sell democracy and flaunt election fraud?
The Bush election was not our first case of fraud.
How about LBJ, and Tammay Hall, etc...?
We are in no position to kick the worlds butt.
We are certainly in no position to grab the moral high ground.
We certainly are not evangilists of democracy and human rights.
We can not help the world alone.
Maybe France can lead you. 
So many ugly women, so little beer.