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Old May 15th, 2003, 05:16 PM
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Default Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.

Originally posted by Ruatha:
Cooperations are run by people, most of them ordinary people with families and kids.
Many of them feel that we are consuming to much themselfs. There are coperation owners that are decent people..

(Hard to see me writing these things as I used to be a member in the Swedish communist party's youth club, now the "Left Party", whom I still vote on though.)
(And no let's not start a commie bashing thread I know all about the atrocities commited by them and the downfalls of the theory!)[/QB]

A communist!

We have a communist in our midst!

Batten down the hatches! Get the women and children into shelters! Go onto stage 3 alert!

Yes, there is a huge difference between theoretical communism and "Communism", an experiment gone bad.

Theoretical commmunism emphasizes the importance of the working man

In contrast, Communism de-emphasized the importance of the proletariat. An example is of the untold millions who died of mass starvation in the 30's when Stalin converted the farms into collectives.

Complain and you won a free trip to a government sponsored resort whereby you had the opportunity to experience a new lifestyle.

In a society where everyone was supposed to be equal, gross inequalities flourished.

The elite were insulated from the worst abuses of power. While there were purges, they did not reach the magnitude of the untold millions who died helplessly at the hands of the regime.

Government officials had summer resorts in addition to large homes, the common man felt himself blessed to share a 3 room apartment with only one other family.

Government officials had the right to shop in government stores which had a wide selection of products. The common man had the right to wait in line for hours in anticipation of buying a product which may not be available when he reached the head of the line. He could then look forward to waiting in another line for another product he needed in order to survive.

Just a few examples of the good life in Russia.

Like it or not, we are all basically the same. We may have been blessed with a greater intelligence, more money, more goods, but IMO none of those makes a person a better person than another.

Ruatha, I totally agree with you that people in corporations are ordinary people who have family and kids. To tar and feather everyone who belongs in a certain class because of the actions of a few is not right.

Hate is extremely corrosive. It has severe consequences to both the person expressing it and the target.

Even criminals deserve respect as people. What they have done is not to be condoned or accepted. And they need to pay the price. But they are still people.

People who hate, often learn this lesson the hard way when a relative is incarcerated.

I think it was Nietzche who said that the health of a nation can be inferred from how it treats its criminals.
Know thyself.

Inscription at the Delphic Oracle.
Plutarch Morals
circa 650 B.C.
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