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Old May 14th, 2003, 04:17 PM
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Default Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.

Originally posted by tesco samoa:
link about his great military career.
Ok, here's the problem with this anti-Bush stuff all over the web. This guy with the talion site is a perfect example. His very first "example" of Bush lying was this quote:

Date: 08/19/88 Houston Chronicle article by R. G. Ratliffe
When running for governor, George W. Bush portrayed himself to voters as a great fighter pilot. "Asked how he got into the Air National Guard, Bush said, ‘They could sense I was going to be one of the great pilots of all time.’”

I mean, come on. This is so obviously intended as as self-depreciating humor by Bush. Whether you believe his personality is genuine, or it's all contrived showmanship to win the folksy hearts and minds, it's obvious to anyone with a brain when someone is poking fun with a reporter and when someone is making a serious statement that he intends to be taken seriously.

The fact that this web site author chose this quote with out any sort of attempt at putting it in context makes his intentions and lack of judgment crystal clear. By doing so he colors his entire site and tends to make someone viewing it with a skeptical attidude take it that much less seriously.

He has a lot of raw information here, but much of it requires an understanding of standard military procedures to be able to anylze it and weigh it correctly. He wants the uninformed reader to trust his analysis of that information, yet he leads off with what can only be termed as either a historic level of cluelessness, or outright dishonesty on his part. Not very smart IMHO, but unfortunatly very typical.


[ May 14, 2003, 15:18: Message edited by: geoschmo ]
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