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Old May 13th, 2003, 07:07 AM

Narrew Narrew is offline
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Default Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.

Originally posted by tesco samoa:
narrew it is not about peoples feelings towards bush.
I disagree, at least in the States most people that are against action in Iraq are Bush haters, partisan politics if you will. The same thing happened with the Clinton haters. Outside the USA, I cant say since I am biased

Some of the things it is about is

here is my SPIN

International law-- Yep, Saddam broke it for over 12 years, and time might well tell that France, Germany and Russia broke International law by selling prohibited items to Iraq. Oh, and dont forget the UNs involvement (or lack there of).

deceit-- Yep, Saddam deceived us for many years, but more importantly he deceived his own people by refusing them food and other things. We can add deceit from the above countries and the UN, time will tell on that (of course people will believe that the US had it planted) maybe that is a reason why they were against the Coalition for fear what they would find that would incriminate them.

War-- Yep, people forgot Saddam started it first, you all do remember Kuwait, and there was never an end to that, Saddam had to follow the rules which he never did.

Incompetence-- Yes the UN was Incompetent, and we will find more of what they refused to see (or deal with). I am not anti UN, but think they need to follow through with the resolutions they pass, and I am not talking about just Iraq situation. Of course if the UN did their job, the US wouldn't have to be the bad guy.

WMD-- ok, ok I still say we need to wait. But I am sure the trailers of chemical processing plants we for something other than what we in the US think it is. Maybe they were actually roving baby milk factories.

International alliances-- See the above comment about the UN. Did anyone notice that the leaders of the former Soviet Union countries supported the Coalition (the ones that were recently admitted to the UN). I think those leaders know exactly what it was like to live in a country where the people have no power/life. Don't tell me they were coerced to give lip service to the US, they would have benefited more by not getting the EU mad at them.

As I finish this, I realize that many people have different views on this situation. Will we all agree, no way, if we did, everyone would love us Americans. The nice thing is we don't seem to get into name calling ect... Heck, I even cut slack for them French Canadians that don't agree with us. J/K

Ok, now all lets have a group hug!!!
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