May 6th, 2003, 02:39 PM
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Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.
Originally posted by dogscoff:
I take objection to this. There is a world of difference between reporting the palestinian side of the conflict (they give equal airtime to the israeli side) and being "anti-jewish". Even if they were anti-israeli (and they're not) they would not be "anti-jewish", since there are plenty of jews not living is Israel.
By deliberately blurring the boundaries between nation and religion, that article attempts to stir up racial hatred by simplifying the issue. By portraying even neutral outsiders like the BBC as hostile "pro-terrorist" organisations, they strengthen the "them and us" mentality that prolongs the conflict.
Oh well, I agree that is not the same to be anti-jewish and being anti-Israeli. The thing is that most people out there are either anti-jewish (the right) or anti-Israeli (the left).
Then there are some Christian fundamentalists that support Israel because Israel is an important piece of their "End of the world" scheme, so their support is anything but out of kindness.
In the end the Israeli Fundamentalist Groups, and they are just a few when compared to the Palestinian Fundamentalist organizations, are trying to play the "them against us" card in an intent to bust their numbers.
Israeli Fundamentalism have been slightly on the raise since September 2000 when the Palestinian launched their 2nd Intifadah, thus proving that Rabin and the Dovish gang were wrong granting the Palestinian authority without any commitment to a permanent peace.
You have to understand that during the 1st Intifada the Palestininas were throwing rocks at us, but now they are throwing the Kassam II and III rockets, home made mortars and suicide bombers. What have changed between the 2 Intifadas? What have gave them this capability?
Rabin's Palestinian Authority.
When somebody says he is going to kill you.........believe him. -Holocaust survivor