Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.
Great analysis. I agree is very likely that the ChickenHawk brigade will go after Syria next.
But I think Saudi Arabia is more likely to be the real people funding Al Qaeda, and thus a greater danger to the US. I can't help to wonder if the Saudis have been spared because of Bush and Cheney's oil deals with them.......
I agree that Saudi Arabia is a big player funding terrorists in general, not just Al Quaeda. But more than likely we will keep plugging away at the smaller easier targets before taking them on.
Set up some democracies in these newly liberated countries and watch freedom spread, teh people will see their neighbors enjoying life instead of subjegation and will be more supportive of US involvement.
Get ready Syria you are next.
[ April 11, 2003, 14:40: Message edited by: Hunkpapa ]
When you swim the river of life, I suggest you do the breast stroke, it helps to clear the turds out of the way.