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Old April 5th, 2003, 06:03 AM
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Default Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.

Originally posted by tesco samoa:
Well guys and gals, the cat is about to be out of the bag. First let�s note that the LA Times just got burned for using doctored photos on the front page. Photos that were altered to show the US military in a bad light, when in fact just the opposite was occurring. Now back to the cat; CNN and MS-NBC are not showing things as they are! These terrible battles that were going to kill Americans by the thousands are in fact human wave assaults. Why do they only say that these Guards divisions are just taken out? Why do they not show how one sided the fight really is? They started the war with a reporting plan of their own, and now they run stories about how FUBAR�d the Army�s plan has become. I think that the networks are the ones with FUBAR�d plan. A plan that they used in the sixties, and grew to love. Well this is not the sixties, and this is not a police action run by McNamara and Johnson from the White House. This is not McNamara trying to send Messages with measured escalation. This is a combined arms offensive such has not been mounted in the history of man.

Soldiers from the 3rdInf are reporting mass charges against their armor. They are describing seas of body parts, yes parts, knee deep. They are using dump body trucks to haul them away. Published kill numbers for the 3rd are less than 50 KIA and 8,000 to 10,000 Iraqis KIA. These guys are massing up and trying to over-run the US positions. 300 men at a time. What a waste, this in and of itself gives us a look at what Iraq had become. To throw away the Last of your Army like this indicates that they have no intention of achieving victory, it indicates that they are going to try to go out with glory. Perhaps glory in the eyes of their god, but dead is dead. And dead from charging M-1s and Bradley�s with RPG�s is just plain stupid. Personally, were I there, I would be cleaning the sand out of my NBC gear.

Thermo's post is true....

But the picture was not shown to show the americans in a bad light.... More it was that the photographer snapped two pictures quickly and decided that if he combined them together it made a better, stronger emotional picture. Unfortantly he had a couple of duplicate people.

When this was found out. The person was sacked as per the policy of that newspaper.

The rest of his post.... Well I enjoyed the fiction as well

Keep up the Posts Thermo.... You always make me think ( except when you putting down countries ).

Thank you
Which part is fiction, I watched tape of the fox report, and they showed one of the emails just as I was told they had. It was the one that spoke of the body parts. The photo was altered to fit the anti war view that the paper wanted. And the CF's are public record. The picture in question was altered to make it look like the civies were being held at gun point, which was not what was going on at all. So which part is fiction. Perhaps the toxins that were rooted out today are fiction. Perhaps the trace samples from the terrorist camp are fiction. I hope so in this particular case, since the stuff was there but is now gone, one would have to wonder about where it went.

Think about it
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