Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.
RE: Supply lines/warplans
As someone with almost 10 years military experience (Army/NG), & someone who has run many a LOGPAC (logistics package), I guess I'll comment on the warplan and logistics. The plan was, and is, an excellent one -- multi-pronged assault over a wide front, using Coalition advantages of maneuver & air superiority to the maximum. Bypass centers of resistance (urban areas) to continue to advance on the main objective -- Saddam & Baghdad.
As far as the supplies go, we were victims of our own success, advancing far faster & further than probably anyone thought we would. At no point did I ever hear about anyone that didn't get SOME supplies -- even 1 MRE a day provides more than enough calories for the average soldier to keep fighting, and while tanks/apcs may have been low on fuel, but were never out of gas as they were in Patton's advance across France.
More than likely, the main holdup was getting a forward supply point organized, secured and getting inventory to that location (inside Iraq). It would be from that point that the divisional/brigade support units would get the supplies to distribute the beans and bullets to the trigger pullers.
While the sandstorm was a nuisance, it was probably a blessing in disguise as it let us rest up, redeploy, secure our lines, and modify the operation to continue the advance more successfully.
BTW, my brother-in-law is in country supporting the 101st.
[ April 03, 2003, 16:09: Message edited by: kalthalior ]