Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.
Roanons numbers may be made up, but there are some valuable truths there that the US should take notice off (and they should have known this before the war, the warnings was there).
Basically the US have F... up big time.
They gambled that the Iraqi people would rise up against Saddam and do the job for them. It is now clear that its not gonna happen (Maybe in the South, but not in Bagdad). There may be many reasons for this; fear may be one, but not the only. The truth is that most of the people (of central Iraq) would prefer Saddam over USA any day.
That leaves 3 possible solutions for the war.
1: GWB packs up and goes home. That's not gonna happen.
2: US troops will have to storm Bagdad. Seems like thats gonna take a while, and cost many American (and even more Iraqi) lives, and damage US international relations even more.
3: Some Iraqi general takes over from Saddam and negotiates a peace. Then we are back where we started, just with a new dictator in Bagdad. Only time will tell if he will be better or worse than the old one.
Never trust a cop with rubber gloves.