Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.
What you fail to understand, Atrocities, is the concept of INTERNATIONAL LAW. Just because there is currently no offical 'world government' doesn't mean that there is no standard of right and wrong in international affairs. It's not a question of anyone wanting to 'keep Saddam in power' it's a question of the appropriate legal right to attack him. The US is violating all standards of international law in this obsessive quest to depose a tin-horn dictator. Many people who were afraid of Saddam Hussein are now afraid of the US instead. Think about that.
Here is a nation that disregards the rest of the world to do whatever the hell it wants. And why in God's name would they want all those nuclear weapons, and a dozen aircraft carriers Groups, and on and on. Scary isn't it?
And it's spelled Al Qaeda or Al Qaida depending on which transliteration scheme you are using.
This only adds to the black humor of your ranting about anti-war protestors being 'uninformed' while making ignoramous statements like saying that our government didn't support all those dictators or there's 'no evidence' that the CIA has committed crimes like Al Qaeda. It was the CIA that TRAINED OSAMA BIN LADEN. Not only has the CIA done far worse than Osama, it actually taught him how to do it. You really are making a fool of yourself.
[ March 18, 2003, 22:25: Message edited by: Baron Munchausen ]