Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.
I seem to get the feeling that anti-war means pro-sadam. It is not.
The pro-war side against Iraq has yet to proove a solid reason to attack Iraq.
Every Iraqi Weapon of mass Destruction claimed by the US and Britan has thus far turned out , when inspected by the UN to be clean. The Cia and MI-6 claim they know Iraq is still hiding nerve gas. If so why not give these locations to the UN inspectors ? The germ making trucks " Winnebagos of Death" have turned out to be mobile food testing labs. The "Drones of Death" turned out to be model airplanes.
General Hussein Kamel states that he personally supervised the destruction of Iraq's Nerve gas in 1991. Other experts state that their germ and gas weapons would have now deteriorated through age into inertness.
The 150 km range al-samound missles may have exceeded their range by 10 to 15 km. So what. And their being destroyed.
Unable to link Iraq to Osama bin Ladan the bush/blair shift gears. Now it is about liberation. WHy not in the 80's when these worst crimes were committed.
Now the CIA Iraq desk chief has posted the question that the Halabja gassing of the Kurds may have been accidentally caused by Iran.
I have yet to see any proof of a reason to go to war with Iraq. As one fact is prooven as a lie the propaganda machine pumps out two more.
Their has not been one arguement presented that gives a single reason why this war must occur.
All I see is that we have to rely on faith of the USA/Britan Gov't.
Lets hope thier is not another gulf of Tonkin or Iraq build up on Saudi boarders, no doubt their will be. Perhaps 1 or 2 weeks into the war some WMD will be discovered.
Funny in another thread faith is underattack, as it is here.
To me it looks like a re-election winnable war. It has been done many times before in history.
Dr. Hasan El-Attar states that "Those for war are quick to label those who oppose the war as Pro-Saddam. I am a dissident to the regime of saddam who left iraq in 1975. I oppose this war against the suffering Iraqi people while at the same time I look for the real punishement for the butcher of Baghdad."
I do as well. I look for punishement against the butcher of Baghdad. Not, the butchering of Baghdad.
old avatar =
Hey GUTB where did you go...???
He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly