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Old March 16th, 2003, 08:37 PM

rextorres rextorres is offline
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Default Re: [OT] Another heated discussion about the Iraq siutation, war and politics.

Originally posted by Thermodyne:
I have seen a lot of Posts in this thread and I respect most of the positions. One of the problems I have noticed is that many people rely on CNN, MSNBC, and other large Entertainment services to provide facts for their statements. These are poor sources, the show the things that create Ratings and color stories to make them more news worthy. For months now they have put great strength in the position that the inspector take during their reports to the UN. Has anyone of you seen a CNN story about the failure of inspections in the past. The UN has never completed a successful program. I would like to suggest that those of you who have a real interest start checking the raw data, the reports that CNN and MSNBC edit and add unrelated video to. Also check the reports that are written by respectable sources. Sure, it takes time to read them, but you will learn a lot from them. The other day I posted a report writhen by the State Dept. during the Clinton years. It was damning then and is still on the valid list today. But not one reply about it? Some of you should read it. Here is a link to a paper done by a think tank. The worldly among you will recognize the name, and realize that this group has impeccable credentials, unlike some of the fly by night tanks that have been quoted to date. We all have systems with net access, go out and look around. There is a lot of raw data to be had.

Inspections will never solve the problem in Iraq, and every member of the Security Council knows it.
When you don't like the message criticise the messenger.

If you google the authors of this article, for instance, it turns out that they are pretty conservative - so I could dismiss them as being slanted. So . . . I'm not sure what info from the news sources are suspect.

Did Powell present fake evidence at the UN? He did! - If so what else is fake?

Was the US one of the main suppliers of arms to Iraq in the eighties? Yes it was.

Has Cheney given big post war contracts to his buddies at Haliburton? Yes he has.

Did members of the Bush administration want to go to war before 9/11? Yes they did.

BTW - There is this presupposition that the inspections aren't working - but the inspectors - who are supposed to be experts in this stuff - say they are. I trust the inspectors more than I trust W - especially now. (where's the resolution he promised to present?)

Are you claiming that Blix is secretly working for Saddam?
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