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Old January 30th, 2001, 09:30 PM
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Default Re: Regular Shields vs. Phased Shields

Baron: The only reason I have phased shields on my ships right now is that I captured all five levels of phased shielding from enemy ships. They were silly enough to put phased shield V's on MINE SWEEPERS!!! And then sent those sweepers out all alone to be captured by the Moebius Consortium. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Sorry. Lost my head for a moment there.

Seriously, I captured three of those mine sweepers, plus a couple other dreadnoughts with phased shields and had a grand time deconstructing & analyzing... gotta love those shield regenerators too (you get those along with the phased shield generators).

BTW - be careful using the "Upgrade" command in the ship design window; it tends to replace regular shields with phased shields, even when that would cause a DECREASE in shield strength.

[This message has been edited by DirectorTsaarx (edited 30 January 2001).]
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