March 31st, 2003, 09:50 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Hannover, Germany
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Originally posted by Master Belisarius:
Oh sorry. Are so many games, then, time in time I do mistakes...
No problem. Without all your efforts there wouldn't be any savegames at all.
Originally posted by Master Belisarius:
About why the Orks won, really I'm not sure. But one reason think was they used the stellar manipulation with success.
Yeah, they destroyed the Gron homeworlds. The only Gron system which had no system gravitational shield.
However, at this point (ca. turn 430) the game was already decided. The Orks had twice as many ships as the Gron (turn 255: 329 vs. 204, turn 355: 389 vs. 209). Very slowly that superior strength changed the course of the game. I guess the talisman protected the Gron from being buried much faster. (They still had a higher score for lots of turns but only because of resources/research etc.). However, at a certain point not even the talisman could help. The riots began (some colonies were lost but mainly the appearance of more and more Ork ships caused them). And riots equal being doomed...
A very interesting game affirming two former observations. My AIs don't use the abundance of resources provided by the bonus, at least not to the same degree as other AIs do. And secondly troops are crucial to prevent riots, which especially is true for the contest but for the "normal" game as well. I guess I can't help designing troops for my peaceful AIs... 
homo homini lupus est