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Old February 1st, 2003, 02:05 AM

LostCommander LostCommander is offline
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Default Re: Couple of questions.

Thank you very much for the AI info. For my personal mod, I am making the AI as mean as I can. As part of that, I wish to simply make ALL the computer players always be happy, except a massive penalty for M.E.E. Since setting the game to "Team Play" makes all humans M.E.E., the AI will hopefully never fight with itself, always fight with humans, and in general act as a single, multi-factioned empire that will not interact peacefully with human empires and will not fight with itself, even if it still will not share tech with itself. As such, several of the files I wish to replace en-masse (anger, diplomacy...) to make my job easier, but then the name thing comes in and I need to make sure all of them have the right name ect.

No, I do not mean shift-clicking ships. Actually, I didn't know that did anything. Moves all of them at once, or just duplicate orders?

I mean, I have fleets, named, sometimes with experience, that will simply not be when my turn comes around again. Were in a fleet, now not. I suppose if it was strictly single-player, I could just reload the turn each time, but there are four of us and the time lost for even just one extra set of turns would be alot (4ppl, turn-based, hotseat). I would really like to know how to make it stop (even though it does not happen often).
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