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Old February 3rd, 2003, 09:45 PM

Omega_Prime Omega_Prime is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

From Space Empires: Starfury interview with Aaron Hall

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Q: Space Empires: Starfury uses a 3D graphics engine. What do you feel are the advantages and disadvantages of using such an engine?

A: The advantages of the engine are pretty obvious in that they lead to a great looking game. You really get to see the size and power of these ships first-hand as your ship interacts with them. Also, we'll be using the 3D engine in SE5 for combat and strategic movement, so its a must for us. The disadvantages of using a 3D engine are the resources involved. Some much time and effort goes into each ship, and each ship takes up so much time and resources on your computer, that you cannot have anywhere near as many as you did in SE4. Fleets can't have hundreds of ships, they can only have a handful.
Can that be right? SEV will only have small "hand full of ships" type battles?

Let me change my vote to have the option of 2d or 3d, if the 3d is going to crimp fleet size.
Up the airy mountain
Down the rushy glen,
We daren't go a-hunting,
For fear of little men
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