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Old February 3rd, 2003, 09:23 PM

Omega_Prime Omega_Prime is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Originally posted by Arkcon:
Originally posted by vonManstein:

Wouldn�t it be great, to get an option to build up the formation of my fleet individually? Say...,my battleship should be flanked by this two destroyers ... , and this battleship should always be on slot number 3, the destroyers on slot number 4+5.everytime, when it comes to battle, this specific battleship would be always guarded by this to destroyers, even if the whole fleet counts 100ships.... or in short words, it should be possible to give ships in a fleet a specific place/slot!

greetings from germany
I agree. I'd also like tho option to launch fighters in Groups in a specific formation: Shielded fighters in front, rocket pods behind, a large fighter providing ECM ans combat sensors for the whole group.

Hey is ground combat becomes expanded, we will want the same thing for various troop types.

Both of these are genius ideas. To be honest, micro-managing the ships and fleet...or at least to have that as an option, would bring the game to a whole new level. I have been looking for/waiting for, a miniatures space battle on the computer for ages.

If you could micro-manage to the level of say, this rule set, and maybe even have a "battle mode" where two sides have a certain ammount of points to spend before they field their fleets on equal footing, would just rock. That kind of game play must have a market, Starfleet battles is in it's third edition....but some of us don't like star trek so much, on account of it sucking so bad. (Ignores it's own continuity and naming schemes, and the hard to watch know, Vulcans don't show emotion, so here is a Vulcan with emotion....Borg are ruthless and undefeatable, so here is a friendly Borg, and Janeway can defeat them at get the idea.)
Up the airy mountain
Down the rushy glen,
We daren't go a-hunting,
For fear of little men
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