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Old January 24th, 2001, 02:18 AM

Aegis Aegis is offline
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Default Idea: Deathstar & Prestige Objects

[Disclaimer] O.k., I've only been reading the Boards since the start of the month, so it may be that a similar topic has already been discussed to death. Ignore this post if, for that reason or any other, you feel offended by it.

Now that the top level of ship construction is empty, I've been considering what could be put in it (for a brief period, about 1/2 a second or so, I even considered whether or not the Last level should simply be discarded, before dismissing the notion with a chuckle). One of the things that I still miss from MOO2 are Death Star's (Ok, they were called Doom Star's, but same difference). A really BIG ship. A really EXPENSIVE ship.

I would love a ship to have the following abilities:
1) Size: 10.000 kT, or something similarly big
2) Movement: No Engines, Solar Sails, Emergency pods etc. allowed, but an intrinsic movement of 1, built into the frame.
3) Cost: 500 kT in all resources or something similarly heinous.
4) Maintenance: 10% Normal, through Solar Generators etc.
5) Combat: Fills 4 squares, like a small planet, movement of 1.
6) Weapons: Ability to field weapons as per a Starbase.
7) Achilles Heel: Damage from fighters penetrates straight through shield and armour, as the fighters fly to vulnerable spots. (i.e. have lots of p.d.)

Now, whilst thinking of this I also considered that such a ship might well be considered to expensive to really be viable. In that case though it falls into the same Category as RW's and SW's. For slow builder types these do come into the game, but for most players they're the top of the research tree that's never reached by game's end.

So to make these a little more attractive I thought you could use Prestige Objects. Objects of such magnitude that other races cannot help but be impressed by them. A Death Star would be a level 1 PO, a RW level 2, and a SW level 3. Only the highest bonus would apply, but this would provide a permanent diplomacy bonus. Other races are simply not as likely to take on the sleeping giant. Of course, such a change would have to be encoded by Aaron *mumbles 'may he live forever'*, but if others like it and it's not too difficult...

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