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Old January 2nd, 2003, 05:39 PM
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Default Fleets don\'t "Load" right.

This may be a little nit-picky, but if you give your fleet orders to Load xxx (where xxx may be any of the cargo units or population), it will correctly move to the location, but then load the cargo/population into any available storage; seemingly starting with the first allowable ship in the fleet then moving downward.

It is frustrating to have your carriers load troops, your tranports load fighters or your population go everywhere. In simulaneous games, it makes you waste a turn to resort your cargo before battle.

The workaround I use is to break up the fleet as necessary to give the carriers orders to load fighters, and so forth. But once again, in simulaneous games, you waste a turn resassembling your fleet (if you need your fleet to operate under its fleet orders, or for supply purposes) before battle. This makes the capturing multiple planets in 1 turn by "capture planet, load troops, capture planet, load troops, etc." unusable unless the only cargo ships in the fleet are troop transports.

Also, if I have any spaceyard components in my fleet and the fleet is stationary for a turn, I usually build "one turn's worth" of fighters, troops, or whatever I need. But again, these are usually not placed on the right ships.

Call me weird, but I usually fleet at least 1 "auxiliary" ship in larger fleets on which I load anti-cloak sensors, long range scanners, extra supply or whatever the fleet needs, then fill the rest of the room with cargo containers to hold misc. cargo. These guys always seem to load cargo before the dedicated ships like carriers or troop transports. ARGGGGH!

Are ships automatically fleeted in a certain order? like in order of when they got built or something like that? Can this be changed?

Anyone got a way around this problem?

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