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Old December 30th, 2002, 04:32 AM

GeneralVaughn GeneralVaughn is offline
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Default My New Set Complete

Well here it is, the product of many months of work, my first set looks like total crap, this one, my second.. does not, and all though I do realise most of you probably don't know who I am anyway, Im gonna post it anyway. I released it on christmas eve but i overlooked a few details and diddnt have AI.... well i shagged an AI from a built in race and modified it, and made all the mini's transparent where needed and touched the images up a bit there too. So blah blah blah, my latest and greatest.

Tell me what you think, I havent been getting much feedback.

FYI: It was meant to hold a few of my very very early ship designs befroe I got good lol (back when i was 15 or 16) im 22 now.

[ December 30, 2002, 02:33: Message edited by: GeneralVaughn ]
[I only drink when im with someone, or by myself]
Or when I'm posting in Legacies.
"Often copied, Never duplicated" And the longest lasting, much like my bad habbits. NYAA!!
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