Research priority?
So I am still trying to figure out a strong way to begin the game.
Generally in the first turn or three I have my planets build exploiters and try and snag as many planets as possible. On consecutive turns I build space station/space yards, and have these continue producing exploiters or immediately begin to build weapons platforms/satellites.
Research is a different story, here I am still floundering in the sheer number of choices I can take. But typically I'll focus on Ship construction, Propulsion and one weapon type (usually Projectile weapons.)
If I have a specialty (such as a racial technology tree or a focus like developing Intelligence technology), I'll dump my Research points into these.
I am trying to develop a good "generic" start strategy because I am soon going to be involved in a PBEM game.
I really like the Intelligence projects and the havoc you can sow whilst hiding behind a mask of diplomacy. Is it, in your opinion a strong tactic to research Intelligence very early in the game and begin Intelligence projects in the first 20 turns?
I could really use some pointers and advice!
The FAQ's and "strategy" guides aren't all that meaty.