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Old December 24th, 2002, 06:52 PM
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Default Re: "Gamey" tactics like "Rock, none" races

Call me crazy, but I think there SHOULD be a single "this is the best choice" weapon at any given stage of the game.

Well, IMO, players should be torn between various weapons at all stages.
Do I use a P&N Polaron beam to nail anybody with a heavy shield generator, or non-polaron beams to do more damage to phased shields?
Do I use a P&N Torpedo so I can hit the slippery aliens (+15% to +25% accuracy), or do I use particle weapons for higher damage?
Do I use bombardment missiles to penetrate PD and shields, or regular CSMs to do more hull damage?
DO I use shields to protect against boarding and ion weapons and have faster repair, or armor to get more hitpoints for cheaper?

IMO, All the weapons should have thier own niche, and be worth using in a balanced range of circumstances. Preferably enough to get players to put more than one type of weapon on their ships!
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