December 24th, 2002, 01:00 AM
Second Lieutenant
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Re: "Gamey" tactics like "Rock, none" races
Originally posted by spoon:
- Having three ship-training facilities on a sector is better than having only one.
And is a disadvantage, because it means you want to move your ships there, rather than to various dispersed locations, for training.
A centralised training center that can get you to 18% fleet-and-ship in two turns is nice, but also count the travel time to the sector from where a ship is bult, and thenf rom that sector to where the ship is needed.
- Using PPBs in the midgame is better than using anything else.
Call me crazy, but I think there SHOULD be a single "this is the best choice" weapon at any given stage of the game.
[quote]Having 125% defense + bezerker will make you unbeatable against people unaware of how combat works.[quote]
No it won't. Defense is useless against the Talisman. And doesn't matter much for seekers either (granted, seekers-vs-PDC is also kinda unbalanced, but ... *shrug* ...).
- Having 110% Maint Reduction is a huge advantage over people who don't realize how broken Maint Reduction is.
I disagree, somewhat; it's *an* advantage, but not a *huge* advantage ... because the points spent for +10% maintenance,might have gone elsewhere instead. And besides which, Maintenance reduction is easily modded for clearer balance (see P&N).
-- Sean
-- GMPax
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