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Old December 17th, 2002, 08:19 PM

Stone Mill Stone Mill is offline
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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

Originally posted by LazarusLong42:
Whoa, whoa, what universe are you living in?
Well, mine seems to be much different than yours. Yours sounds pretty refreshing, though. I have never been to a SciFi or gaming convention either; although I always toyed with the ideas amongst my friends.

My universe involves the mundane drudgery of East Coast suburbia. Women around here like to talk about puppies, babies, and clothes. They like expensive restaraunts and NYC outings, plays, social escalation activities, and home decorating (which does not involve Star Wars posters).

I almost fell over when I told a Yoda joke to my 18 year-old sister-in-law, and she looked at me with a blank stare. "You don't know who Yoda is?" I asked. She had never seen any of the Star Wars movies.

Now, that's a drastic example. But I find Sci-Fi and women a rare combo in my circles, with only rare exceptions.
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