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Old December 17th, 2002, 10:08 AM
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Default Re: OT - Scientific News Flash

Wow! This is an amazing discovery. Ok, so administrantium has an atomic mass of 312. If you total up the number of the different types of neutrons, you get 1 + 12 + 75 + 111 = 199. Therefore, the number of protons must be 312 - 199 = 113. Looking at the Periodic Table, we see that the element with atomic number 113 was tentatively called Ununtrium (Uut) until we got the new name Adminstrantium (Ad). In the Periodic Table, it is under Element #81, Thallium (Tl). Now, Ad has no electrons and it is electrically neutral, so the peons must have a charge of -113. If the morons gradually become neutrons over time and the mass increases, then the extra mass must of come from outside the atom. Either the atom absorbed some external particle that collided with it, or perhaps a photon was captured and converted to mass.

However, it does not seem right that the Ad atom can keep increasing in mass indefinitely. There must be a limit to the mass of the isodope, and at some point it must become unstable.
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