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Old December 16th, 2002, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: OT - Scientific News Flash

Originally posted by Taz-in-Space:
&#1 NEWS FLASH &#1

Since the discovery of Administratium, this reporter has researched and has now uncovered a few interesting facts.

1. Many reports reliably suggest that Administratium is known to leave evidence of its existence. Even in it's most primitive forms, Administratium is known to leave a very visible trail consisting of massive amounts of paper. Much of this paper comes in triplicate or even quadruplicate.

2. If you see such a trail, DO NOT approach. For some as yet unknown reason those who approach too closely become bound up with RED TAPE. There are rumors that some red tape victims remain bound for months and even years.

This reporter will try to confirm these facts and learn more...

(Call a PRO! with Red Bags!)

[ December 16, 2002, 18:52: Message edited by: mottlee ]
Kill em all let God sort em out
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