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Shan September 22nd, 2014 04:09 AM

Sound trouble...
Hi Guys,
After I upgraded to v8.0(r), I am experiencing major sound issues.

I got this problem using my own OOBs. I have been doing so for ages and never seen anything like it. Using old PC, win XP, no trouble ever... and I am well aware of how this works, but I must have overlooked something?

I checked the sound files and sound.ini - a weapon is supposed to play a certain sound, the file is there, it's working, it's in the .ini --- but it doesn't. Either it plays the .null sound in its place or some other sound.

Also, I found that vertain weapons with no specific sound file assigned play a very strange one - so it's supposed to play a default file. Where can I check which default files are assigned? I haven't figured this out yet. I got an autocannon playing the sound file for CRV rockets, for example... very weird. Or a .203 making a click sound. Sniiper rifle sounding like horses... :doh:

Now, I experimented a lot, and found if I change the sound for a weapon to another specific one, sometimes it works immediately, but sometimes it won't. But I certainly don't wanna change all sounds of all weapons, this would be a nightmare for only one OOB!

As for the default sound trouble, no idea what to do about that one. Something must be really wrong with the OOB files, my other alternative would be to copy all my modded units into the original files and try if this works. Also lots of work - I tried to use my old OOBs and just checked them for updated icons or .lbms, and copied the updated units and weapons from the new version, which was much more convenient.

Has anyone had similar trouble? Any suggestions?

scorpio_rocks September 22nd, 2014 06:47 AM

Re: Sound trouble...
There are 3 places weapon sounds can be set and they have an order of precidence:

The .ini sets the "Default" sound this can be overridden by the weapon's sound field in the relevant unit (in the units tab mobhack), which in turn can be overidden by the weapon sound (sound field in the weapon tab in mobhack). If any field has a 0 in it then it defaults to the next lower level - ie wpn>unit>default.

The code on the weapon tab was added V7.

Hope this helps track down your wayward sounds :)

DRG September 22nd, 2014 08:04 AM

Re: Sound trouble...
1 Attachment(s)
Wayward weapon sound numbers are the most likely reason this is happening in your custom OOB's >if this is anything but zero it will pick up a sound file.


Shan September 22nd, 2014 03:08 PM

Re: Sound trouble...
Alright, thanks guys, I wasn't aware of those three levels. Looking into it now...

Suhiir September 23rd, 2014 09:40 PM

Re: Sound trouble...
The sound override in the "Weapons" tab is most likely your culprit.
To my knowledge there is no "list" of what sound file should be associated with what weapon.

I spent hours experimenting when I rebuilt the USMC OOB and came up with a set of sounds I was fairly happy with.
However there are cases where I specifically did not assign a sound to a weapon (for example the M2/M4 Carbine) as some weapons are used to represent two (or more) different weapons, each of which has a distinct and different sound. In those cases you'll find the weapon has been assigned a sound in the "Units" tab.

The priority is:
Weapons tab
Units tab
Default (.ini file)

Suhiir September 23rd, 2014 09:43 PM

Re: Sound trouble...
Edit to the above (since the board no longer allows us to edit our posts):

The sound override in the "Units" tab is most likely your culprit.

DRG September 24th, 2014 08:05 AM

Re: Sound trouble...

Originally Posted by Suhiir (Post 826699)
Edit to the above (since the board no longer allows us to edit our posts):

What program are you using to view the forums ?


Apparently, the forums have taken a dislike to Firefox but Explorer is OK


Suhiir September 24th, 2014 11:52 PM

Re: Sound trouble...

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 826701)

Originally Posted by Suhiir (Post 826699)
Edit to the above (since the board no longer allows us to edit our posts):

What program are you using to view the forums ?


Apparently, the forums have taken a dislike to Firefox but Explorer is OK



Shan September 26th, 2014 11:07 AM

Re: Sound trouble...
I know now where the problem originates. The feature of having a sound slot in the weapons tab is relatively new. Must've come with the patches in recent years. Now, since I was unwilling to mod the newly patched OOBs again, I just used my old ones, checked them for errors (lbms, icons), updated a few of those and copied in all new additions. But since the old OOBs didn't have this weapon sound option, the programme just assigned a sound, usually #1, in the weapon sound slot... usually it was a sound between 1 and 16 or so, no idea why, but mostly 1.

Now, knowing about this, all I gotta do is change all default weapon sounds to0 - done in a few minutes per OOB.

Anyways, I find this a useful feature and started to assign common default sounds for certain common weapons, standardized across several OOBs. This eliminates the need during OOB design to check for sounds in the unit tabs.
I believe it should be used more - I like the idea that different autocannons all have their unique sound file. If you play a different OOB and some invisible unit is firing at you, you already got an idea what it could be. Aha, a Russian 30mm, so probably a BMP-2? And so on...

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